The Original Kahnawàke featured on new Story Tellers Vault this Thursday
The Kahnawà:ke Organizations Communications Network wishes to congratulate Rahnienhawe McComber, who was awarded funding on the Story Tellers Vault by our panel of judges for his new TV pilot show pitch entitled “The Original Kahnawà:ke.”
Last week′s episode of The Vault featured Rahnienhawe McComber’s pitch to the panel of judges. Following a repeat of his pitch, this new episode will feature the actual show created by McComber using the winnings.

“We are building a series on all things tourism,” said McComber. “It′s in collaboration with the Tourism Office and Tewatohnhi’saktha, and our first episode will look at the original town of Kahnawà:ke." The show airs Thursday through Sunday and again on Tuesday, rotating with regularly scheduled programming. Another new episode begins next Thursday.
The Story Teller’s Vault is made possible by financial support through the Caisse Populaire Kahnawake Community Development Fund. Free airtime for each pilot show is courtesy of the Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Cultural Center, who operate Kaná:takon TV.