Kaná:ta Aoio’ténhsera Ionterihwatsteríhstha Tkaiatakwe’niiò:ke
Capital Unit
The main responsibility of the Capital Unit is to oversee construction of community facilities. Facilities to be constructed are selected through a process that works by having project proposals submitted to the Capital Unit by one of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawá:ke Units or one of the various community organizations under the umbrella of the Kahnawá:ke Executive Directors Committee. The Capital Unit will then assist with the planning, prioritizing and carrying out of their projects.
MCK’s Capital Unit is comprised of three main components:
- Capital Construction
- Technical Services
- Capital Unit Administration
Past Accomplishments

- Construction of roads, surface drainage, water and sewer lines, curbs and sidewalks throughout Kahnawá:ke
- Construction of the Sewage Treatment Plant and Water Filtration / Distribution Facility
- Construction of the Section-95 Houses and the HOPE Houses (Lot-106 area)
- Construction of the Animal Protection Building
- Construction of the K-103 Radio Station Building
- Road Extensions in the Community
- Construction of Organizational Fuel Depot
- Construction of various Roof Replacements in the Community
CONTACT: 450-635-1016