Jobs and Economic Development focus of new video
The Kahnawą:ke Casino Project Team is pleased to announce that it has produced and released a video presentation that discusses some of the employment and economic challenges that face the community today.
In this video, Council chiefs, representatives from Tewatohnhisaktha and the Casino Project team discuss the topic head-on. Specific issues such as the Mohawk Council of Kahnawą:kes annual budget, local business, and the current and future job market are addressed.
With the current rate of 96% of funding to community organizations coming from government sources, the creation of an economic engine that can create a communal source of dollars are now being seen as essential, rather than something that could enhance services that the community has grown to expect which is the main reason that a community-owned casino project is once again being proposed. In the recent Economic Impact study conducted by The Innovation Group, it was estimated that hundreds of jobs would be created with the establishment of a casino in the Territory, with spinoffs that would benefit not only Kahnawą:ke but the entire region, including Kahnawą:ke.
The video will be available for viewing on Pauls Cable channel 4 (Mohawk TV) and at the website.
Anyone with questions regarding the project is invited to visit the Casino Project team at the Info Center located at the former Environment office building next to the Court of Kahnawą:ke, located on the Old Malone Highway. Office hours are from 10am to 5:30pm Mondays through Fridays (except Good Friday and Easter Monday).
Information is also available at our website or by calling 450-638-9527.