Tsi Nitiawén:'en ne Ratitsénhaiens Wahontkennísa
Weekly Council Communique
To increase transparency between the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke and the community, a weekly Council Communique is provided, briefly outlining decisions, reports, or issues addressed at the regular duly convened Monday Council meetings.
Monday, 17, Enníska/February 2025
Meeting at Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke
In: Ratitsénhaienhs Cody Diabo, Ryan Montour, Paul Rice, Arnold Boyer, Tonya Perron (pm only)
Attended virtually: Ratitsénhaienhs David Diabo, Jeremiah Johnson, Jeffrey Diabo, Melanie Morrison, Tonya Perron (am only)
Out: Ratitsénhaienhs Ross Montour (Vacation), Stephen McComber (Vacation), Iohahí:io Delisle (Wellness)
Also Present: Meagan Ottereyes (Council Meeting Administrator), Trina C. Diabo (OCC Project Technician), Tricia Diabo (Admin Support Coordinator), and Lisa Lahache (Public Relations); and for Housekeeping only: Taiawentetie Hemlock (Executive Assistant)
- Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen by Cody Diabo
- Cheque Signers: Paul Rice, Melanie Morrison
- Ratitsénhaienhs Upcoming Out of Office Dates: Ryan Montour (February 24-28 – Vacation)
- CI’s Eastern Indigenous Consultation & Engagement Conference – Ross Montour Deferred
- Invitation: Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Caucus of Women Leaders (Virtual Meeting – March 8) Declined
- Community Meeting Agenda Items (February 26, 2025): Land Allotments, Fuel Spill Update, Chateauguay development, Residency Law
- Incoming letter from external – Arnold Boyer Declined
- Minute Approvals – September 23 Approved; October 1 Deferred
- Public Relations Items: Monthly Report, Ratitsénhaienhs Report (Cody Diabo), MCK Friday (Ross Montour, Jeremiah Johnson)
- Ryan Montour: Wednesday: Kahnawà:ke/Canada Relations (KCR) preparatory and external meetings, Economic Development Portfolio meeting; Thursday: Kahnawà:ke Fire Brigade (KFB), Tobacco File, Peacekeeper Services Board, and Housing meetings; Friday: Investment Revenue Committee and Economic Development Portfolio meetings, Housing Launch event
- Paul Rice: Wednesday: Finance, Administration & Operations Committee (FAO) monthly, Kahnawà:ke Gaming Commission, and Multi-Purpose Building (MPB) Campaign meetings; Thursday: MPB Finance & Technical Committee and Capital Campaign donor meeting; Friday: Investment Revenue committee meeting, and Economic Development Portfolio meeting
- Cody Diabo: Wednesday: Review of Strategic Discussions and FAO meeting; Friday: out (Vacation)
- David Diabo: Wednesday: KCR preparatory and external meetings; Thursday: Kahnawà:ke Labor Office and Indigenous Rights & Research consultation meetings, Kahnawà:ke Governance Project (KGOV) event
- Jeremiah Johnson: Wednesday: KCR preparatory and external meetings, Tobacco legislation and Housing meetings; Thursday: Environment Portfolio, KFB, Tobacco and Housing meetings; Friday: Housing meeting
- Jeffrey Diabo: Wednesday: Tobacco Legislation meeting; Thursday: Tobacco meeting
- Melanie Morrison: Tuesday: Trauma-Informed Approach Training; Wednesday: FAO monthly and MPB weekly campaign meetings; Thursday: Language & Culture Network meeting, KGOV event; Friday: Mother Language Day at Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa, Seed conference
- Tonya Perron: Wednesday: FAO and Cannabis meetings; Thursday: Justice Budget meeting, Technical Drafting Committee meeting;
Agenda Items
Mohawk Council Executive Directive: Appointment of the Office of the Kanien’keháka of Kahnawà:ke Registry (OKKR) Compliance Officer Position
Presence of Melanie Gilbert (General Manager of OKKR) Portfolio Chief: Jeremiah Johnson
Request to the Council of Chiefs to formally appoint Kyle Jacobs to the position of Compliance Officer, in accordance with the Kahnawà:ke Residency Law.
Passed by Consensus Note: Abstention of Cody Diabo due to a conflict of interest
Ratitsénhaienhs Updates
Paul Rice updated on the Regulatory Security Group, Kahnawà:ke Gaming Commission, Economic Development, Lands
Arnold Boyer updated on the Health Portfolio, Transport
Cody Diabo updated on Calgary Gaming Conference, and the Iroquois Caucus meeting planned for Marh 2025
Jeremiah Johnson updated on Accessibility Policy research and development, and Kanawaki
David Diabo updated on the Kanawaki working group, the Kahnawà:ke Lands Summit, and upcoming Highway 30 consultation.
Jeffrey Diabo updated on Education and the Kahnawà:ke Library
Tonya Perron updated on the Kahnawà:ke Justice Act and Cannabis
Ryan Montour updated on Housing and Housing initiatives
Water & Sewer Update
Presence of Mary Lee Armstrong (Director of Legal Services), Chris Stacey (Executive Infrastructure Officer), and Martin Morris (Director of Public Works) Portfolio Chief: Arnold Boyer
This discussion is Client-Attorney Privileged.
Executive Office Updates
Presence of Executive Director Onerahtokha Marquis
The Executive Director updated on Human Resource matters, Operations, and Housing
Closing by Cody Diabo. Meeting ended at 3:07pm
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