MCK requests AFN Chief Atleo address Kahnawake concerns regarding AFN role in Education Act
The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) would like to inform the community that it has sent a letter to Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Shawn Atleo in regard to the AFN’s role regarding federal legislation on education (now known as the First Nations Control of First Nations Education Act, or FNCFNEA).
The letter demonstrates that Kahnawà:ke is clearly displeased with the AFN’s actions in this matter and requests actions be taken to address these concerns.
“The ambiguity surrounding the FNCFNEA, coupled with the engagement of the AFN, leaves us concerned that the federal government may interpret such engagement as implied consent,” wrote Grand Chief Michael Ahríhron Delisle, Jr. “This is an issue that must be clarified immediately.”
The letter also informs the AFN of Kahnawà:ke’s position of the liberties taken by the AFN to negotiate the agreement. “We…do not charge the AFN with the authority to arrive at decision-making in legislative processes that impact our Rights,” it continues. “Only Kahnawà:ke retains decision-making authority in its own affairs.”
Grand Chief Delisle concluded by informing the AFN that the FNCFNEA does not meet the free, prior and informed consent of Kahnawà:ke, and requests the AFN confirms this shared understating by letter.
The letter can be viewed in its entirety at
. Copies have been circulated to the Iroquois Caucus, Quebec Regional Chief Ghislain Picard, Chief Gilbert Whiteduck & the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Council, the First Nations Education Council and the Kahnawà:ke Education Center.