Final Reading for Amendments to Election Law taking place this Thursday
The Kahnawą:ke Legislative Coordinating Commission (KLCC) would like to remind the community that the Final Reading of Amendments to the Mohawk Council of Kahnawą:ke Election Law will take place this Thursday, 26 Ennķska/February 2015.
For the purposes of this event, the law will be read into the public record. Upon completion of this task the community will be asked to approve the draft amendments. Once that is accomplished, the final event in the process will be for Chief & Council to sign a Mohawk Council of Kahnawą:ke Resolution to confirm the will of the community, which will be done at a duly convened Council meeting. The amendments would become law and come into force at that time.
The draft amendments can be viewed at www.kahnawakemakingdecisions, the KLCC website.
The Final Reading takes place at 6pm at the Golden Age Club.