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Mohawk Council of Kahnawá:keTsi nahò:ten kahiatónnion a'arákonEnsaié:nawaseOnhkharéhson Aionkhihsnoé:nen
Tsi Ietsenhaientáhkhwa
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Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke

Indian Way School CP Railway area Noise Warning


The Capital Unit of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake would like to inform the Community of the upcoming project to install water & sewer lines under the CP railroad. The work for this project is scheduled to start on Tuesday, October 13th and continue until the end of October 2015. This project will include installing steel casings under the CP railroad tracks.

The Capital Unit wishes to notify local residents that the method used to install these casings produces a high level of noise. The community will also be notified if a road closure is scheduled.

Shown below is a map of the general area. The shaded area indicates where the works will take place.

All private properties that are affected by the work in this area (e.g. driveways, walkways, hedges and/or fences) will be repaired or replaced prior to the completion of the project.

Your patience throughout this project is greatly appreciated. Please contact the Technical Services Office at 450-635-1016 if further information is required.

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