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Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke

Community notice – land allotment requests


The Lands Unit of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke wishes to inform the community that the following Kahnawa’kehró:non have applied for a communal land allotment and made their communal request at last night’s Winter Community meeting (Tuesday, 28 Enníska/February 2017) at the Golden Age Club.

Richard Joseph Jacobs -    Single - Roy Randolph Rodrick Jacobs - Georgette Jacobs (Zweidinger)
Gerald Alexander Shatekaronhio:ten Marquis and Shauna Alexandra Karakwanentha Goodleaf - Common Law - Gerald Joseph Terry Skahowio Marquis - Mark Terence Tioukwanoron Goodleaf - Debra Lynn Mary Konwaiatokwen Stacey - Kim Kakwirenta Mary Beauvais
Orakwase Peter Harry Mc Gregor - Single - John Daniel Tionawate McGregor - Tracey Kim Konwakawi Bordeau
Nathan Jarrod Lawrence Kanietakeron White - Single - Warren Kenneth Frank White - Shelly Audrey White (Alderton)

As per policy, objections to any of the applicants, based upon the Land Allotment Policy of Kahnawà:ke, can be forwarded, in written format, to the attention of the Land Allotment Administrator, Lands Unit, Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke within thirty (30) days of this notice.

Verbal objections are also accepted; however, the objector must sign a written version of their objection, which will be prepared by the Land Allotment Administrator, Jean Guimond at the Lands Unit by calling 450-638-8244 or by email at

For a detailed list of those applying for land allotments, please visit

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