Tioweroton Community Representative appointed
The Tioweró:ton Committee is pleased to inform the community that Nadine Montour has been appointed as the Kahnawà:ke Community Representative on the Tioweró:ton Committee until November 2019. Ms. Montour was the only community member to submit a letter of intent and the Committee chose not to extend the submission period. As a result, no vote/election was required.
The Community Member Representative is responsible to liaise with Community Members and bring comments or suggestions to the Tioweró:ton Committee for consideration or decision.
The Representative will advise Community Members of proper procedures or inform them where to address their inquiries. They are also required to attend monthly Committee meetings and Seasonal Community Meetings.
For more information on the Community Representative position contact Tioweró:ton Coordinator Tara McComber at (450) 638-8244.