Waste Management Information Kiosk
The Kahnawą:ke Waste Management Department will be holding a kiosk at the service complex on January 26th from 9 am to 4 pm to provide information on services at the Transfer Depot and to answer questions on recycling.
Also, as outlined in Kahnawą:kes 2016-2020 Waste Management Plan, the Kahnawą:ke Waste Management Department is conducting a survey to understand how much composting is currently taking place in Kahnawą:ke. The information will also help with future planning as it relates to community composting and residual waste disposal.
Everyone who participates in the three (3) question survey has a chance to win a Shop Kahnawake Gift Certificate. For further information, please contact The Kahnawą:ke Waste Management Department offices at 450-632-5825 or email wastemanagement@mck.ca.