Election Law meeting this Thursday, potential to have proposed amendments completed
The Kahnawą:ke Legislative Coordinating Commission (KLCC) would like to remind the community that the second meeting of the First Hearing portion of proposed amendments to the Mohawk Council of Kahnawą:ke Election Law will take place tomorrow, Thursday, 15, Ennķska/February 2018 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the Golden Age Club.
The agenda will be as follows:
- Review agreed changes made at the previous meeting of 30, Tsothohrhkó:wa/
- January 2018;
- Review and request decision to the criteria developed at previous meeting regarding selection of the Electoral Officer; and
- Review the proposal to establish a Pre-Election Review Board and request decision
IMPORTANT: Should the agenda be successfully completed and sufficient time remains, The Formal Reading (the Reading of the Law into the Public Record) will commence immediately afterward. Once this is completed, the final document will be presented to Chief & Council for Final Approval.
For further information on the law, please contact: Trina C. Diabo, Technician Mohawk Council of Kahnawą:ke 450-632-7500, trinac.diabo@mck.ca
For further information on the process, please contact: Leslie Skye, Coordinator Kahnawą:ke Legislative Coordinating Commission 450-632-7500, leslie.skye@mck.ca