Reminder – Election Day Saturday, July 7th
The Electoral Officer, Angus L Montour, would like to remind everyone that the 2018 MCK Elections will take place this Saturday, July 7th at Karonhianonhnha School between 9am and 6p.m.
The following twenty-four (24) candidates are running for eleven (11) positions for Council Chief (in no particular order): Lindsay Leborgne, Robert Patton Jr., Clinton Phillips, Bobbi Dee Deer, Rhonda Kirby, Martin T. Leborgne, Tonia Williams, Gina Deer, Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer, William J. Diabo, Tonya Perron, Dawn Melissa Montour, Curtis Jacobs, Landon J. Meloche, Timmy Jay Montour, Louis P. Stacey, Harry Angus Rice, Lloyd Phillips, Phillip R. Jacobs, Lindsay Jacobs, Michael Delisle Jr., David A. Diabo, Ross Montour, and Carl Horn.
Please remember to Mark your Ballots with an "X".