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MCK acknowledges halfway point for Shared Vision Statement


The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) wishes to acknowledge the 10th anniversary of the MCK’s formal acceptance of the Final Report and Recommendations of the Shared Vision Statement (“Vision Statement”), which took place on December 7, 2009.

The document, which was developed after extensive consultation by the Visioning Committee, “reflects the vision of the community twenty years into the future.”

Kwáh í:ken tsi iotste’niá:ron tsi nikaio’tenhserò:ten ne “Iakwahská:neks tsi Naiohtónhake ne Kahnawà:ke”, wa’onkwahsentónhkwen’ ne nia’tewenhniserá:ke taetewarihwáhsnie’ tsi niionkwarihò:ten tánon’ aetewátste’ tsi nitewawennò:ten. Tho néntewe entewarihwaié:rite tsi nahò:ten ionkwaterihwaién:ni, nene sénha’ wé:ne akénhke tsi Kanien’kehá:ka’ nitewaia’tò:ten.

An important part of the Shared Vision states:

“Nó:nen 2029 sheniohseratátie, akwé:kon ne Kahnawa’kehró:non ionkwaterién:tare tánon ieká:ien tsi ionkwa’nikonhraién:ta’s tsi nahó:ten ionkwaterihwaién:ni, ó:ni tsi niionkwarihò:ten tsi tionkwehón:we. Tho ní:ioht tsi tewatathá:wi. Kanien’kéha ionkwáhthare tsi ionkwanonhsó:ton tánon ne kanatakónhshon. Tsi teionkwáhthare ne onkwawén:na, tánon tewatsterístha tsi niionkwarihò:ten’s, tho néntewe enionkwaia’tahnirónhake tánon tenwaterihwaré:ni tsi Kanien’kehá:ka nitewaia’tò:ten.”

The Skátne Teiokwakà:nere Community Working Group conducted a survey in the fall, gauging Kahnawà:ke’s perception of how we as a community are fulfilling the vision ten years into the process. The results of that survey will be released before the holidays.

The MCK would like to pay tribute to all Kahnawa’kehró:non who have participated in the creation of the Vision Statement and, especially, those who continue to make the effort to bring us to our goal. In particular, the MCK thanks the original Visioning Committee, consisting of Treena Delormier, Connie Meloche, Alex McComber, Davis Rice and the late Jesse Deer – who passed away only days before the Final Report was accepted by Chief & Council.

Visit to read the Shared Vision Statement.

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