Task Force announces new Directives, Phase 2 dates
The Kahnawą:ke COVID-19 Task Force wishes to advise the community of the dates for the Reopening of Kahnawą:ke Phase 2.
Effective immediately:
- Outdoor Public Gatherings to a maximum of 50 people are permitted
- Outdoor and Indoor Gatherings of maximum of 10 people are permitted in a private residence
- Travel Restrictions for essential services have been lifted; travel within Canada is permitted with restrictions based on various provinces Provinces.
- Important: International Travel, including the United States, remains prohibited
As of Wednesday, July 1st the following Directives will be in effect:
- Dine-In Kahnawą:ke Restaurants will be permitted to open, provided they have completed a health inspection. (Bar section of Restaurants will remained closed)
- Churches will reopen, respecting maximum capacity of 50 people, if space is available
- Yard Sales and similar activities will be permitted
- Indoor Cleaning Services will be permitted
- Non-Contact Outdoor Organized Sports will be permitted provided they have a safety plan that is approved