Tioweró:ton Caretaker Replacement
The Tioweró:ton Committee would like to inform the Community that on July 19, 2008 and July 20, 2008, Chief Martin Leborgne will be acting as Tioweró:ton Caretaker.
Caretakers Wilbert Standup Jr., Gerry White and Wendy Lahache-White will be unavailable for the 2 days specified. Chief Leborgne will assume all Caretaker responsibilities for the weekend and will be located at the Caretakers house at the main entrance.
The Tioweró:ton Committee would like to thank Chief Martin Leborgne for donating his time to replace the Caretakers.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact Tara McComber, Tioweró:ton Administrator, at 450-638-8244.