KMHC reports in-patient residents test NEGATIVE for Covid-19 - visitation resumes
The Kahnawà:ke COVID-19 Task Force wishes to inform the community that, following yesterday’s confirmation of a positive case of a Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre (KMHC) in-patient employee, ALL in-patient residents who were contacts of the positive case have now been screened for COVID-19 and have tested NEGATIVE.
The in-patient residents will remain in isolation and will be re-tested next week. However, this is a very positive first step in containing any possible spread of the virus.
Considering the negative tests of the contacts and the fact that they are in isolation, visitation can resume with the other residents on the 2nd floor. For clarity, although visits were suspended, natural caregivers continued to be allowed to visit in-patient residents.
The KMHC and the Task Force wish to reassure the community that measures were taken immediately to ensure the health and safety of residents, staff, and their families. As stated yesterday, the situation is NOT an outbreak, as only a single case has been identified. Measures being implemented are proactive and preventative because of the threat of COVID-19 variants.
COVID-19 remains present and a significant risk within the community at this time. Considering the lack of scientific information regarding variants, it is imperative that strict measures be implemented to protect our residents and limit transmission.
This situation, as well as the recent case at the Kahnawà:ke Survival School, is further evidence that the community must continue to maintain all COVID-related measures at all times.