Task Force holds final official meeting, announces Recovery Phase Monitoring Authority directive
The Kahnawake COVID-19 Task Force wishes to advise the community that it held its final meeting yesterday. Its mandate under the Kahnawą:ke Emergency Preparedness Law ends on Monday, June 21, 2021, at the expiration of the State of Emergency.
The final meetings agenda consisted of the official rescinding of Directives passed as measures to combat COVID-19 and the pandemic. Several Directives were passed for the purposes of moving forward out of the State of Emergency, including Directive 65 Recovery Phase Monitoring & Authority. For those interested, the entire list of Directives can be viewed by clicking here.
The official Recovery Phase begins effective Tuesday, June 22, 2021, for up to 120 days, which can be extended if it is deemed necessary. The Kahnawą:ke Emergency Preparedness Law and its related regulations state that the Commissioner of Public Safety will maintain the authority to oversee and ensure that the Recovery Plan and measures are implemented and enforced as well as to maintain, revoke, change or adapt directives issued during a state of emergency.
The Public Safety Commission will maintain authority and work together with Kahnawą:ke Public Health in the monitoring of impacts of reopening phases on community health and well-being as well as the overall state of the pandemic. Kahnawą:ke will be subject to amendments in directives in line with local and Provincial Public Health measures as per needs identified throughout the coming months. Therefore, current and future Public Health measures will fall under this directive. This could include roll-back to previous measures should it be required. However, our common goal is to return to normalcy, and we will do our best to achieve that with the collaboration of the community.
The Kahnawą:ke Public Health team will continue to act as the authority on Public Health measures required in the community to maintain overall health and safety. They will continue to guide the Public Safety Commission during the Recovery Phase. The Kahnawą:ke Public Health team consults on a regular basis with Regional Health Authorities. The Commission, together with Kahnawą:ke Public Health, will continue to adapt public health measures to meet the specific needs of the community of Kahnawą:ke.
Communiqués will be released on a regular basis, informing the community of the most up-to-date public health directives. It is important that these measures be followed to ensure optimal protection and safety from COVID-19. The Task Force wishes to thank the community for its understanding and ongoing support during this incredibly difficult time.