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Mohawk Council of Kahnawá:keTsi nahò:ten kahiatónnion a'arákonEnsaié:nawaseOnhkharéhson Aionkhihsnoé:nen
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Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke

Tioweroton cabin site requests


The following Kahnawa’kehró:non have made an application for a Tioweró:ton Cabin Site. The Public Notice will be publicly-posted for thirty (30) days.

Objections to any of the applicants, based upon the Tioweró:ton Development and Cabin Ownership Procedure, can be forwarded, in written format, to the attention of the Tioweró:ton Manager, Lands Unit, Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke, P.O. Box 720 Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory J0L 1B0. For more information, contact Tara McComber at the Lands Unit 450-638-8244.

Shawn Kenneth Tokwiro Phillips

Britlee Caitlin Karonhiakwas Diabo
Common-Law Alexander Phillips

Kyle Ron Thahotharatie Diabo
Janet Carol Ann Cross

Francine Katsi’tsaro:roks Morris
Meadow-Brooke Kahentiiostha Lazare Single Matthew Mike Louie Katsenhoton Lazare Mary Ann Lisa Wenniseriostha Martin
Jamie Gloria Jacobs

Connor Mick Kanatase Delormier
Common-Law Gerald James Jacobs

Harvey Thahawennake Delormier
Gloria Therese Keane

Rhonda Kirby
Shakoia’tiiohstha Guy Hemlock Single Winston Angus Anthony Tiason Hemlock Paula Hemlock
Lianne Gloria Cook Single Andrew Garry Cook Caroline Margaret Anne Kaententa Charles
Matthew Bill Karakontie Diabo

Billie-Jo Ann Ratt (Algonquin of Barriere Lake)
Common-Law Matthew Satekarenhes Diabo

Abraham Ratt (Algonquin of Barriere Lake)
Margaret Karonhienhawi Thomas

Jacqueline Bowman Ratt (Algonquin of Barriere Lake)
Tristyn Kanenti:io Diabo Single Matthew Bill Karaontie Diabo Billie-Jo Ann Ratt
John William Johnson

Bernadine Allsion Boots (Akwesasne)
Common-Law Ernest Johnson

Joseph Albert Boots (Akwesasne)
Margaret White-Johnson

Barbara Louise Snow-Boots
Joanne Lazare-Oesterreich Single Shawn Williams Oesterreich LeeAnn Kahentisakhe Lazare
Shayd Lazare-Oesterreich Single Shawn Williams Oesterreich LeeAnn Kahentisakhe Lazare
Jason Tekaneharo:ken Single Clarence Bova June Thomas Bova
Ryan Raymond Kanetakte Diabo

Natalie Celeste Tsowente Brooks
Married John Robert Diabo

Edwin Floyd Brooks
Elizabeth Bordeau

Debra Cecilia Tiwesen McGregor

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