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Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke

Tioweroton Catch Reporting Program


In collaboration with the Tioweró:ton Caretakers and the community, KEPO wants to learn as much as possible about the tiotià:kton (brook trout) in Tioweró:ton and share this information with the community. The more that we know about these fish, the better the decisions the community can make to protect them. The goal of this information collection and sharing is not meant to restrict fishing. Rather, this will share information among the community so that we all can better understand the situation and make decisions on how to preserve the fishing tradition for generations to come.

The Catch Reporting Program would work as follows:

Fishers would fill out cards when they fish at Tioweró:ton with:

  • Water body fished
  • Date
  • Time spent fishing (even if no fish caught)
  • Number and type of fish caught
  • Number and type of fish kept
  • Length of each fish

Measuring tapes, cards, instructions, and card collection boxes would be provided at the Caretakers station and various locations at water bodies throughout the territory.

Catch information for each water body would be updated on a monthly basis at the Caretakers station, postings at lakes and streams in Tioweró:ton, and print and electronic newsletters.

If participants wish to leave names, these will only be used to clarify responses on cards and to enter participants into a raffle in the fall. Fishing equipment will be awarded by a random draw of all names. Names of participants will not be publicly listed or linked to fishing information (time, catch, etc.).

We are seeking input from the community on the proposed catch reporting program. Please answer the questions in the anonymous survey to help us protect our fish and keep the fishing tradition at Tioweró:ton healthy for generations to come:

For questions, contact KEPO at or 450-635-0600.

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