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Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke

Tioweroton Catch Reporting Program Info Session and Community Discussion


The Kahnawą:ke Environment Protection Office (KEPO) and the Caretakers of Tioweró:ton will be hosting an Information Session and Community Discussion about the developing Tioweró:ton Fish Catch Reporting Program on Saturday, July 31 at 1pm at the second bridge on the main road in Tioweró:ton.

This voluntary program aims to learn as much about the health of the tiotią:kton (brook trout) as possible and share this information with the community. This will allow for informed community decision-making to preserve the fishing tradition in Tioweró:ton for generations to come.

The catch reporting program is not collecting information to restrict fishing access or impose regulations. The program will ask community members fishing in Tioweró:ton to voluntarily report information about their catch.

The proposed program is planned to work as follows:

Fishers would be asked to fill out cards when they fish at Tioweró:ton with:

  • Water body fished
  • Date
  • Time spent fishing (even if no fish caught)
  • Number and type of fish caught
  • Number and type of fish kept
  • Length of each fish

Measuring tapes, cards, instructions, and card collection boxes would be provided at the Caretakers station and various locations at water bodies throughout the territory. Catch information for each water body would be updated on a monthly basis at the Caretakers station, postings at lakes and streams in Tioweró:ton, as well as print and electronic newsletters.

Please attend to hear more about the proposed program, ask questions, make suggestions, and discuss concerns about the project. The more input that is provided by the community and incorporated into the project, the more people will volunteer to participate, and the better the program will be.

Hot dogs, water, and juice will be provided, and COVID-19 guidelines will be in effect. Please bring a mask to wear to the food tent and bring your own chair.

If you are unable to attend the event but would still like to provide input on the project, please answer the questions in the anonymous survey at this link

For questions or comments on the Tioweró:ton Fish Catch Reporting Program, please email or call 450-635-0600.

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