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Mohawk Council of Kahnawá:keTsi nahò:ten kahiatónnion a'arákonEnsaié:nawaseOnhkharéhson Aionkhihsnoé:nen
Tsi Ietsenhaientáhkhwa
Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke
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Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke

Tioweroton cabin site requests


The following Kahnawa’kehró:non have made an application for a Tioweró:ton Cabin Site. The Public Notice will be publicly-posted for thirty (30) days.

Objections to any of the applicants, based upon the Tioweró:ton Development and Cabin Ownership Procedure, can be forwarded, in written format, to the attention of the Tioweró:ton Manager, Lands Unit, Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke, P.O. Box 720 Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory J0L 1B0. For more information, contact Tara McComber at the Lands Unit 450-638-8244.

Cedar Teiotsi’tsahneka:ron Lake Lazare Single Nicholas Lazare Meaghen Lafleur
Joey Rakosherahawi Kenny Barnes Single Darren Robert Jacobs Rondilou Barnes
Wahiio Jared Everett Jacobsr Single James S Jacobs Dawn C Diabo Jacobs
Wendell Michael Angus Williams

Tiffany Melissa Whitebean
Common-Law Wendell Williams Sr.

Lester Whitebean
Valerie Anne Jacobs

Valri June Marquis
Kawisaiehnhe Horne

Tye John Kasennakeniate Stacey
Common-Law Dean Gary Onakarakete Horne

Sean Charles Cory Teioroniatte Stacey
Vicky Charlotte Kasinniosta Diabo

Tina Lisa June Tiowente McComber
Tracey Ann Snow

Bryan Angus Lawrence
Married Russel Snow

Peter Lawrence
Ruth Oliver Snow

Nora Phillips Lawrence
Wahienhtha Karen Mary Jacobs Single Thomas V. Jacobs Pauline Lahache
Lance Thomas John Diabo Single John K. Diabo Wahienhtha Karen Mary Jacobs
Amanda Jean Kanatenhawi James

Kawisake:ron Terrence Kirk Phillips
Common-Law Karl Irving James Jr

Terry Mitchel Kawisakeron Phillips
Louise Sharon Daina Kanietenhawi Marquis

Carlene Crystal Kahentahawi Leclaire
Cheryl Christine Kwaroniawi Lahache

Leonard Albert Frederic Karonhiarakwen Homer
Married The Late Paul Lester Lahache

The Late Charlie Homer
Patricia Evelyn Brascoup Lahache

The Late Juliet McGregor
Sha’teiohseri:io Patton Single Edward Karonhiio Patton Roxanne Helen Tekakwitha Meloche
Kahnekano:ron Sierra Kameryn Canadian Single Terry Franklin Akwirentha Canadian The Late Stacey Lee Diabo

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