KEPO Fish Sampling and Datalogger Deployment through April 29
The Kahnawą:ke Environment Protection Office (KEPO) would like to remind the community that it will be sampling fish next week in the Little Suzanne River by Route 132 near the pumphouse.
Non-lethal hoop net traps and minnow traps will be set overnight beginning the afternoon of Monday, April 25, and retrieved on Tuesday, April 26. Please note that weather may cause last-minute delays, and sampling could be pushed back to later in the week, up until Friday, April 29.
The traps will be deployed for 18-20 hours at a time. Traps will be partially submerged so that in the unlikely event of an air-breathing animal entering the trap, it will have access to air. We will release all fish with the exception of a few small minnows to be kept as specimens. Please do not disturb the traps or allow pets to come in contact with them.
KEPO will also be continuing temperature datalogger deployment through next week. The coin-sized dataloggers will be housed in PVC piping and attached to a cinderblock, and placed in streams and swamps throughout Kahnawą:ke. These loggers will enable us to monitor habitat suitability and climate change in our waters.
For more information, please contact KEPO at 450-635-0600 or