KEPO Fish Sampling in the Little Suzanne River
The Kahnawà:ke Environment Protection Office (KEPO) wishes to advise the community that fish sampling in the Little Suzanne River will take place from August 23rd – September 14th.
Sampling will primarily be done with minnow traps, but hoop nets and electrofishing will be used in select locations. The traps will be deployed for 18-20 hours at a time. KEPO will release all native fish with the exception of a few small minnows to be kept as specimens.
Please do not disturb the traps or allow pets to come into contact with them.
This effort is part of the larger Aquatic Stewardship Program in Kahnawà:ke and will tell us about the health of the creeks and the River.
Sampling locations are shown in yellow on the map below.
For questions, please contact KEPO at 450-635-0600 or