Community Representative appointed to Kahnawake Justice Commission
The Mohawk Council of Kahnawą:ke wishes to advise the community that Louise Mayo has been appointed as a community representative on the Kahnawą:ke Justice Commission.
The appointment was passed by consensus and formalized at the duly-convened Council Meeting held on Tuesday, May 23, 2023. Ms. Mayo′s appointment is for a three-year term ending May 22, 2026.
In May of 2022, Mr. Davis Montour was appointed as a general member on an interim basis until a new community representative was appointed to take his place. Although Mr. Montours term of office has now ended, he will continue to participate at meetings of the Commission in an advisory role. ,
The Kahnawą:ke Justice Commission consists of three (3) voting members, with one (1) non-voting member (the Commissioner of Justice) serving as the Chairperson. The appointment of Ms. Mayo fills the second of the two community representative spots on the Commission. The Commissions mandate is to provide oversight to Justice Services by monitoring its activities in matters concerning the administration of the Kahnawą:ke Justice System, and to also ensure that the integrity of the Kahnawą:ke Justice System is protected and defended.