KEPO Seeking Community Feedback on Kahnawą:ke Food Forest
The Kahnawą:ke Environment Protection Office (KEPO) wishes to inform the community that they will plant a Food Forest on Tekakwitha Island this fall. The goal of the Food Forest is to plant native edible trees and plants to create a space for the community to gather food and seeds.
One of the aims of the forest is to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change, as well as be a source of food, medicine, and a place for Kahnawa′kehró:non to connect and enjoy.
The garden will be composed of all native plants to the area that reaches from the canopy of the trees down to the ground level, including trees, shrubs, flowers, and edible plants. This project will also address food sovereignty and biodiversity protection and create seed-saving opportunities.
To plan and develop a successful Food Forest that Kahnawa′kehró:non would use, KEPO is requesting feedback from community members to help select plants for the Food Forest. To get as much feedback as possible, we have prepared a five (5) minute survey that will accept responses until July 10th .
Click here to take the survey.
KEPO will also be present at various community events to gather feedback in-person. Opportunities for in-person feedback will be posted on their website and social media.
KEPO thanks you in advance for your time and valuable feedback. For further information please call 450-635-0600 or email