New Indigenous Artwork on the Mercier Bridge
The Mohawk Council of Kahnaw�:ke (MCK) would like to thank the Kanien�keh�:ka Onkwaw�n:na Raotiti�hkwa Language and Cultural Center (KORLCC) for their assistance with the latest call for local and Indigenous artists to submit their work, which are prominently displayed on the Federal portion of the Mercier Bridge.
�I would like to thank Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges, Inc. (JCCBI) for ensuring that our culture, art and people are represented on the Mercier Bridge,� said Rats�nhaienhs Arnold Boyer, lead on the Transport Portfolio. �Over the last several years, the MCK and JCCBI have been working together on bridge-related projects, as well as projects to help beautify the bridge and the areas that surround it. JCCBI has demonstrated good corporate citizenship to Kahnaw�:ke, and we hope that this positive relationship continues for the generations to come.�
The artwork was commissioned by the Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated to adorn the Kahnaw�:ke side of the span and were recently installed on the light posts between the access ramps and the St. Lawrence River.
Representatives from KORLCC, MCK and the JCCBI, along with several artists, met with community members at the Knights of Columbus Hall last evening to showcase the artists, their work, and to discuss the partnering initiative.
The artists that are showcased in this project are (in no particular order): Jayme Leigh Glen, Jasmin Gunn, Kaysun Oke, Megan Kanerahtenh�wi Whyte, Pamela Lynne, Tekaronhienh�wi Norton, Ronwahawihtha Delaronde, Wakenhii�hstha Montour, Owisokon Lahache, Lily Ieroniaw�kon Deer, and Julia Brown.
These works of art will be showcased on the Mercier Bridge for the next three (3) years and on display in the Spring, Summer & Fall months.
This is the second such project. In 2017, JCCBI and the MCK held an art contest for local artists, several submissions were selected and displayed on the Mercier Bridge.