Communal Land Allotment Requests
The following Kahnawa�kehr�:non have made an application for a common land allotment and will be making their communal requests at the Community Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 12, Tsothohrha/December 2023 at the Golden Age Club.
Objections to any of these applicants based on the Land Allotment Policy of Kahnawake can be forwarded, in written format, to:
MCK Lands Unit
Land Management Department
Land Allotment Administrator
P.O. Box 720
Kahnawake Mohawk Territory
J0L 1B0
For more information, please contact Cole McComber at the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Lands Unit by calling 450-638-8244.
Brett Tiakaweronhatie Charles |
Single |
Gregory John Keith Charles |
Celia Ann Deer |
Shohnaho:se Paul Delaronde (Zoe Samantha Kwanekeron McGregor previously approved) |
Common-Law |
Dwight Tharishonkwa Delaronde |
Lisa Kathleen Kawinetha Montour |
Wayne Raymond McComber |
Single |
Raymond Charles Matthew McComber |
The Late Linda Kariwiioston Diabo |