Excavation Work for the Multi-Purpose Building has Begun
The Kanienkehaka Onkwawenna Raotitiohkwa Language & Cultural Center and its partners ("the Building Committee") wish to advise the community that works have started on the new Kahnawake Cultural Arts Center. For approximately two (2) to three (3) weeks, Philip Jacobs/The National′s heavy equipment and sub-contractor trucks will utilize the traffic light at the Kahnawake Survival School (KSS) entrance to enter the work site (red arrows), allowing them to create an entrance to the west and away from the KSS light.
Once the new construction entrance is built (blue circle), it will be used for the remainder of the two (2) year project. The Project Team has taken the safety of the KSS Students, Staff and Parents as the highest priority and as such, have stationed a full-time flag-person at the traffic light (green box) directing the traffic to the work site and away from the high-school.
For any construction related questions, please feel free to contact Project Manager Louie John Diabo, at 514-831-3192 or by email Louiejohn@diaboconsulting.com