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MCK MRC de Roussillon Technical Liaison Committee holds kickoff meeting


A newly established Mohawk Council of Kahnawake (MCK) and MRC de Roussillon Technical Liaison Committee held its inaugural meeting last week in Saint-Constant.

The MCK-MRC Technical Committee was created as a forum for information-sharing, to allow Kahnawake and MRC representatives to develop a working relationship and share information on development and operations.

"This is an excellent opportunity for us to share information on a technical level," stated Chief Political Advisor Winona Polson-Lahache, who is one of Kahnawake′s representatives on the file. "To be clear, this is not a decision-making body, it is simply a forum to share information and identify key issues to be addressed. Through this committee, we have an opportunity to get information about issues that may impact Kahnawake, well-ahead of the curve. This helps us form strategies to ensure impacts to our community are addressed proactively."

The Committee′s Terms of Reference and Responsibilities were ratified by Mohawk Council Executive Directive on February 13, 2024, which dictates that they meet every two months.

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