Kahnawake Peacekeepers Launch Positive Ticket Campaign
The Kahnawake Peacekeepers and their partners are excited to announce the Positive Ticket Campaign! Starting this week and continuing through the summer, this initiative celebrates and rewards the positive actions of youth in our community. Whether its helping a neighbor, showing kindness and respect, or wearing a helmet while biking, Kahnawą:ke youth will be acknowledged and rewarded.
Here′s how it works:
Step 1: Get Caught: The Kahnawake Peacekeepers will be on the lookout for acts of kindness, good deeds, and moments where youth lead by example.
Step 2: Get a Ticket: If you′re spotted doing something positive, you′ll receive a Positive Ticket.
Step 3: Win Prizes: Bring your ticket to the Kahnawą:ke Collective Impact office to receive a special gift!
The Kahnawake Peacekeepers wish to express their gratitude and thank the amazing team that made this campaign possible:
- Kahnawą:ke Collective Impact
- Kahnawą:ke Shakotiia′takehnhas Community Services
- Connecting Horizons
- Iorģ:wase
- K1037
Your support is helping us create a happier, more connected community. Let′s spread positivity together!