On Behalf of the Court of Kahnawake
Court of Kahnawake
Teieia’torehtáhkhwa Ne Kahnawá:ke
P.O. Box 1239
Kahnawá:ke Mohawk Territory, J0L 1B0
The appeal hearing concerning the dismissal of Chief Keith Myiow was
concluded on Thursday, March 19, 2009 at the Court of Kahnawá:ke.
Justices of the Peace Stephanie Cross, Sam Kirby and Josephine Curotte
presided over the hearing.
The decision of the justices was that since there was no evidence produced
by Chief Myiow’s attorney to substantiate his appeal, the appeal was
dismissed and the decision of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawá:ke Chiefs to
remove Chief Myiow was upheld.
Ron Skye, Director of Justice
Court of Kahnawá:ke
(450) 638-5647