Limited access to several border crossings in effect January 6
The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke has been informed by Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), that they are limiting ports of entry for all travellers, beginning Monday, January 6, 2025.
The following ports (and their hours of operation) are in effect, as of 12:01am, January 6th:
Lacolle Route 221 (Champlain) - 6am to 10pm
Lacolle Route 223 (Rouses Point) - 8am to 8pm
Trout River - 6am to 6pm
Herdman - 6am to 6pm
Noyan - 8am to 8pm
Clarenceville - 8am to 4pm
Further East
Chartierville - 8am to 8pm
Frelighsburg - 8am to 8pm
Hereford Road - 8am to 8pm
Highwater - 8am to 8pm
The Hemmingford and Lacolle (on Route 15) ports will not be affected.

(only closest crossings are displayed on the map)
Each affected crossing is within a 100-kilometer radius of a port that is open 24/7. Both the CBSA and US CBP have indicated that the adjustments are based on the low average of vehicles that cross during the closure times indicated.