Communal Land Allotment Requests
The following Kahnawa’kehró:non have applied for a common land allotment and will be making their communal requests at a Community Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 26, Enníska/February 2025, at the Golden Age Club.
Objections to any of these applicants based on the Land Allotment Policy of Kahnawà:ke can be forwarded in written format to:
MCK Lands Unit Land Management Department Land Allotment Administrator P.O. Box 720 Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory J0L 1B0
For more information, please contact Cole McComber at the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke Lands Unit by calling 450-638-8244.
Leora Tsohentiio’a Charles |
Single |
David Wesley Wayne
Anataras Charles |
Valerie Tiorakose Delaronde |
Britlee Caitlin Karonhiakwas Diabo
Shawn Kenneth Tokwiro Phillips |
Common-Law |
Ron Kyle
Tahohtarotie Diabo
Alexander Phillips |
Francine Mary Jeannine Katsiroroks Morris
Carol Ann Janet Cross |
Shayna Cecilia Katsitsahawi Fitzgerald-Cupples
Diabo-Fitzgerald |
Single |
Keith John
Entieronon Cupples |
The Late Karen
Doris Fitzgerald |
Ava Julia Rose Karahkwenha:wi Standup |
Single |
Lanny Owen Mathias Kaiaktatie Standup |
Tina Therese Skawennati Rice |