Council Communique – Monday, 3, Enniskó:wa/March, 2025


Meeting at Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke

In: Ratitsénhaienhs Ryan Montour (Chair), Arnold Boyer, Ross Montour, David Diabo, Jeffrey Diabo, Paul Rice, Jeremiah Johnson

Out: Ratitsénhaienhs Cody Diabo (Vacation), Tonya Perron (Vacation), Melanie Morrison (in for PM), Stephen McComber (Vacation), Iohahí:io Delisle (Vacation)

Also Present: Meagan Ottereyes (Council Meeting Administrator),Trina C. Diabo (OCC Project Technician), Justus Polson-Lahache (Director of Public Relations), and for Houskeeping only, Tricia Diabo (Admin Support Coordinator) and Taiawentétie Hemlock (Executive Assistant)

Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen by all present
Cheque Signers: Paul Rice and Executive Office Designate
Chiefs upcoming vacations: Jeffrey Diabo (March 5-7, 21 & 28 – Vacation), Arnold Boyer (March 6-7 – Vacation), Ryan Montour (March 24-28), Paul Rice (March 7 – Vacation)
Rotinonhsión:ni Language Symposium 2025 – Request for Melanie Morrison and David Diabo to attend the Symposium on April 29 & 30 – Passed by Consensus

Minute Approvals – October 1 2024 – Deferred, October 7 2024 – Approved by Consensus, October 15 2024 – Approved by Consensus

Public Relations Items: Ratitsénhaienhs Report – Ryan Montour (March 10), MCK Friday (March 7) – David Diabo and Ross Montour. Deadline to submit Ratitsénhaienhs Report for February is March 12.
Jeremiah Johnson: Tuesday/Thursday & Friday: Housing Mortgage and Reconciliation; Wednesday: Meeting with Housing Unit 
Paul Rice: Monday: Tewatohnhi’saktha Board meeting; Wednesday: Lands meeting, Multi Purpose Building Capital meeting; Thursday: Canadian Pacific and Kansas City (CPKC) 3rd Party Agreement meeting, Multi Purpose Building Finance and Technical meeting; Thursday, Administrative Affairs budget meeting
Jeffrey Diabo: Monday: Tewatohnhi’saktha Board meeting; Friday: Specific Claims and Internal Discussion regarding Greater Montreal River Block
David Diabo: Wednesday: Preparatory session for CPKC, Consultation File Allocations; Thursday CPKC meeting, Technical Drafting Committee meeting for Occupational Safety and Health Law, and Consultation Committee Strategic Planning Session
Ross Montour: Tuesday: Northvolt meeting; Wednesday: Consultation File Allocations; Thursday: Onkwehón:we Rights and Research meeting, Consultation Committee Strategic Planning Session, Internal Discussion regarding Contrecoeur; Friday: Specific Claims and Internal Discussion regarding Greater Montreal River Block 
Arnold Boyer: Wednesday: Water Presentation with Mirabel Representative
Ryan Montour: Wednesday: Housing Reconciliation Process meeting; Thursday & Friday: Housing Mortgage and Reconciliation
Melanie Morrison: Wednesday: weekly Multi Purpose Building Campaign and Building Committee meetings; Thursday: Multi Purpose Building Finance and Technical Committee meeting; Friday: Women’s Talking Circle at the Family Wellness Center

Agenda Items
Mohawk Council Executive Directives (2) – Delegation of Authority Relating to the Les Jardins Windfarm Project
Presence of Eric Doucet (Legal Services), Carle Jane Evans (Legal Services); Portfolio Chief: Paul Rice
Request to the Council of Chiefs to delegate authority to the Investment Revenue Committee (IRC) to authorize letters of credit and any affiliated Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke guarantees related to the Les Jardins project (to apply retroactively to all previous letters). Additionally, a request to authorize an amendment to the IRC Terms of Reference and By-Laws to delegate authority to approve letters of credit and any relation MCK guarantees for projects under the IRC’s purview.
Both MCEDs Approved by Consensus
Request to Modify ROD#34/2024-2025
Presence of Alan John Rice (Executive Operations Officer); Portfolio Chief: Arnold Boyer
Request to modify ROD#34/2024/2025, which approved 3rd and 4th quarter distribution of the Inflation Fund usage for Social Assistance clients. The modification changes the benefit from the distribution of a household essentials basket for clients to a $200 benefit to provide clients the opportunity to purchase the household essentials needed on a case-by-case basis.
Passed by Consensus

Mohawk Council Executive Directive – Appointment of Organizational Representatives to the Client Based Services Committee (CBSC)
Presence of Alan John Rice (Executive Operations Officer); Portfolio Chief: Ryan Montour
Request to affirm the current Ratitsénhaienhs of the CBSC to remain until the end of their 2024-2027 Term of Office (comprised of Ratitsénhaienhs Iohahí:io Delisle, Arnold Boyer, Melanie Morrison, Ryan Montour and Jeremiah Johnson as an alternate). Additionally, in accordance with the CBSC Terms of Reference and By-Laws, the request to appoint the following individuals as Organizational Representatives: Angie Marquis and Emily Rice (Alternate) from Tewatohnhi’saktha; Chris Leclaire and Bethany Douglas (Alternate) from the Kahnawà:ke Education Center; and, Davis Montour and Mark Horne (Alternate) from Kahnawà:ke Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services.
Passed by Consensus

Executive Office Updates
Presence of Executive Director Onerahtókha Marquis and Executive Operations Officer Alan John Rice

Alan John updated on Housing arrears.
Onerahtókha updated on signing authority for agreements, safety measures for client services, details on budget presentation, and confidential matters. 

Discussion on Next Steps: Internal Complaints Process
Presence of Marylee Armstrong (Director of Legal Services)
This item was Client Attorney Privileged/Confidential.

Ratitsénhaienhs Updates
Jeremiah Johnson updated on correspondence with Housing clients, the K1037 Partyline Talkshow on the Kahnawà:ke Residency Law (KRL), the KRL Kiosk at the Services Complex, meeting with a 3D Model Rendering company for Housing, and sought direction for Deer Cull hides.
Paul Rice updated on two annual strategic planning sessions for the KGC and the following gaming-related items: funding proposals, applications for EGDs, local gaming establishment audit, potential changes to regulations, fire code and commercial building standards, interest in potential River Turbine Project, Transport and User Fee agreement, Hydro-Québec proposal, CPKC agreement, S-268 initiative, and an announcement regarding local gaming establishment.
Melanie Morrison updated on meeting request from an International Representative resulting from the recent Seed Conference, the upcoming Language Symposium, the Language and Culture Network community calendar, and development of upcoming additional Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center language programming.
Jeffrey Diabo updated on the Kahnawà:ke Library fundraising efforts made by community members and evacuation of the condemned facility, and the Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund.
David Diabo updated on Lands priority setting for Tioweró:ton and upcoming activities, land-related policy review, and advancement activities on the Kahnawà:ke Occupational Safety and Health Law and certification.
Ross Montour updated on revisions to the Environment Portfolio Team mandate and discussion on Coteau-du-Lac issue regarding ancestral remains.
Arnold Boyer updated on bypass of the Sewage Station, possibility of a well for the community garden and private property, issue regarding helicopter pad on private property, Hydro-Québec tree and bush clearing, Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges, Inc. upcoming work on the Mercier Bridge Abutment (both approaches), and Mohawk Bridge Consortium upcoming work. 
Ryan Montour updated on additional funds secured for Kahnawà:ke version of the Rural Rehabilitation Assistance Program and upcoming funding, tax issues with ironworkers on job in Saskatchewan, and ongoing work with Kahnawà:ke Fire Brigade.
Closing by Ryan Montour. Meeting ended at 4:04pm
