KEPO seeking Kahnawa’kehró:non to participate in Environment Advisory Committee

Public Service Announcement

The Kahnawà:ke Environment Protection Office (KEPO) is seeking interested community members to participate in the newly-launched Kahnawà:ke Environment Advisory Committee (KEAC).

The committee will serve an advisory role to KEPO and contribute to the development of a shared Kahnawà:ke Environmental Vision Statement, which will function as a guiding document for future projects. It will also provide input and guidance on various matters related to the environment, including the Regional Impact Assessment on the St. Lawrence River and the Environmental Legislative Project to improve environmental protections in Kahnawà:ke.  

Committee members will be appointed for a one-year term, beginning in Spring 2025. Meetings will be held once per month. There will be at least ten (10) in-person meetings per year, with the possibility of an online option, and committee members will be compensated for their time through an honorarium.

Who are we looking for?

  • Kahnawa’kehró:non of all ages
  • Individuals with an interest in the betterment and protection of the environment of our community
  • No previous environmental experience is required

The KEAC is intended to be accurately representative of the community and we need representation from all demographics and their different subject matter expertise. Those interested in participating can register by following this link.

Registration is open until Friday, March 21, 2025, at 4pm.

For more information, please contact KEPO at 450-635-0600 or [email protected].
