Land Management

Responsible for developing and overseeing territorial land use planning and implementation, including the use of common lands in Kahnawà:ke. This includes managing land allotments and land use agreements, facilitating undivided interest clients, conducting site inspections, providing mapping services, conducting parcel history research, overseeing land sub-divisions and transactions, and managing mandatory administrative requirements for lands parcel registration.

About Us

Develops and directs Territorial land use planning and implementation, use of Common Lands in Kahnawà:ke, including land allotments and land use agreements, Undivided Interest Client Facilitation, Site Inspections, Mapping Services, Parcel History Research, Land Sub-Divisions and Land Transactions, and processing mandatory administrative requirements for Lands Parcel Registration.


  • The Land Allotment Administrator is responsible for allocating common land for community members to build homes and for transferring and reallocating lands for housing loans.

Communal Land Allotment Requests

Communal Land Allotment Requests

The following Kahnawa’kehró:non have applied for a common land allotment and made their communal requests at a duly convened Community Meeting held on Wednesday, 26, Enníska/February, 2025, at the Golden Age Club.

Leora Tsohentiio’a CharlesSingleDavid Wesley Wayne Anataras CharlesValerie Tiorakose Delaronde
Britlee Caitlin Karonhiakwas Diabo   Shawn Kenneth Tokwiro PhillipsCommon-LawRon Kyle Tahohtarotie Diabo     Alexander PhillipsFrancine Mary Jeannine Katsiroroks Morris     Carol Ann Janet Cross
Ava Julia Rose Karahkwenha:wi StandupSingleLanny Owen Mathias Kaiaktatie StandupTina Therese Skawennati Rice

Objections to any of these applicants based on the Land Allotment Policy of Kahnawà:ke can be forwarded in written format to:

MCK Lands Unit
Land Management Department
Land Allotment Administrator
P.O. Box 720
Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory
J0L 1B0

Objections received after Friday, 28, Enniskó:wa/March, 2025, will be considered invalid and will not be accepted. For more information, please contact Cole McComber at the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke Lands Unit by calling 450-638-8244.