MCK Housing Unit completes mortgage reconciliations, addresses arrears

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) Housing Unit wishes to announce that following the completion of the latest reconciliation of housing client accounts, they will now begin working directly with mortgage clients in arrears to facilitate bringing their accounts into good standing. To ensure effective follow-up, the Housing Unit asks mortgage clients to update their contact information for smooth communication.

Further to a comprehensive review of all MCK Housing programs, the root causes of past challenges have been identified and measures are now in place to improve processes and address gaps in policies, procedures, and client needs.

“We’re committed to supporting every client to honor their mortgage agreement and bring their account up to date,” said Executive Operations Officer Alan John Rice. “We’re working with each client to ensure they understand their loan process and options.”

“With the support of the Council of Chiefs, the Housing Unit has worked diligently to reconcile accounts and provide solutions for clients to bring their accounts into good standing,” said Ohén:ton Í:rate ne Ratitsénhaienhs Cody Diabo. “At the end of the day, upholding our fiscal responsibility remains a top political priority.”

In the coming months, the Housing Unit will reach out to elders, those impacted by mismanagement, and clients in arrears to schedule in-person meetings, answer questions, and provide support. Two Housing Information Sessions will also be held to engage the community.

“The reconciliation process is client-driven, offering solutions that balance incomes and needs while creating realistic repayment schedules,” said Housing Portfolio Lead Ryan Montour. “We would like to stress that the majority of our mortgage clients are in good standing, and we thank you for your continued partnership in home ownership.”

“We recognize the journey to this point has been long and challenging,” said Executive Director Onerahtókha Marquis. “However, this careful and systematic approach has been essential given the fundamental nature of housing. We are confident that we now have a strong foundation to move forward and position us well for the future.”

Looking ahead, the MCK will continue addressing community housing needs, particularly for seniors, elders, young families, and single parents. Efforts will focus on expanding rental units, youth housing, and other initiatives in the Housing Study.

Details on the planned information sessions will be shared when they become available. Those who wish to update their client files can contact the MCK Housing Unit at 450-638-2672.
