Meeting at Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke
In: Ratitsénhaienhs Cody Diabo, Jeremiah Johnson, Ryan Montour, Paul Rice, Melanie Morrison, David Diabo, Stephen McComber, Tonya Perron, Arnold Boyer
Out: Ratitsénhaienhs Jeffrey Diabo (Wellness), Ross Montour (Vacation), Iohahí:io Delisle (Medical Leave)
Also Present: Meagan Ottereyes (Council Meeting Administrator), Trina C. Diabo (OCC Project Technician), and Lisa Lahache (Public Relations); and for Housekeeping only: Sarah Delisle and Tyanna Kirby (Executive Assistants)
- Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen by Cody Diabo
- Cheque Signers: Tonya Perron and Melanie Morrison
- Invitation to designate a representative for the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador Sustainable Development Institute Annual General Meeting: June 10, 2025 Declined
- Letter of Support: Paul Rice Approved
- Invitation: Giverny meeting 2025 – Paul Rice, Ryan Montour (Montreal – April 10, 2025) Approved
- Community Meeting Agenda for March 26, 2025: Update on Border Crossing meetings, Public Safety Update, Budget Approval Update, Renewable Energy Projects
- Invitation: Meeting with the Mayor of Montréal – Cody Diabo (Montreal – April 8) Accepted
- Invitation: Speaking engagement @ Montreal Climate Summit – Stephen McComber (Montreal – May 6, 2025) Approved
- Audit Presentation Date: July 22, 2025 Approved
- Invitation: Montreal Canadiens First Peoples Celebration Night – Cody Diabo and Alan John Rice (Montreal – Saturday, March 22, 2025) Approved
- Minute Approvals – October 28, 2024, November 4, 2024, and November 12, 2024 Approved
- Public Relations Items: Ratitsénhaienhs Report (Melanie Morrison), MCK Friday on K1037 (Paul Rice)
- Jeremiah Johnson: Thursday: Public Safety Portfolio, Kahnawà:ke Legislative Commission (KLC) monthly, and CPKC Rail maintenance meetings
- Ryan Montour: Tuesday: Kahnawà:ke Search and Rescue meeting; Wednesday: Kahnawà:ke/Canada Relations (KCR) main table and sectoral lands meetings; Thursday: Public Safety Portfolio, and CPKC maintenance meetings; Friday: Investment Revenue Committee (IRC), Economic Development Portfolio, Gaming Working Group and Housing reconciliation meetings
- Paul Rice: Monday: Language Class; Wednesday: Finance, Administration & Operations Committee (FAO), Kahnawà:ke Gaming Commission weekly, and Kahnawà:ke Multi-Purpose Building Capital Campaign meetings; Thursday: Economic Development meeting with community member; Friday: IRC, Economic Development Portfolio, and Gaming Working Group meetings
- Melanie Morrison: Monday: Language Class; Tuesday: Trauma-Informed Attachment Training, Kanien’keháka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language & Cultural Center Board meeting; Wednesday: FAO, MPB weekly campaign and Building Committee meetings; Thursday: Public Safety Portfolio, MPB Finance & Technical Committee, and CPKC Rail maintenance meetings; Friday: Out (Vacation)
- David Diabo: Wednesday: Consultation, Kahnawà:ke Labour Office, and KCR meetings; Thursday: Public Safety Portfolio meeting; Friday: Harvesting File strategic planning session
- Stephen McComber: Wednesday: Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) quarterly meeting opening ceremony, FCM quarterly meeting closing and dinner
- Tonya Perron: Wednesday: FAO and MCK Governance meetings; Thursday: KLC monthly meeting; Friday: out 11:00am – 12:00pm (Wellness)
- Arnold Boyer: Wednesday: Child & Family Services (CFS) and Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services (KSCS) Board meetings; Thursday: Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable (MTMD), and Social Assistance meetings, out pm (Wellness)
- Cody Diabo: Wednesday: Review of Strategic Discussions, FAO, KSCS Board, and CFS meetings; Thursday: out pm (Wellness); Friday: Iroquois Caucus Virtual and Gaming Working Group meetings
Agenda Items
Record of Decision: Kihew Consulting & Research Inc. Professional Services Agreement – budget increase
Presence of Eric Doucet (MCK Legal Counsel), Carle Evans (MCK Legal Counsel) and Vernon Goodleaf (OCC General Manager of Operations) Portfolio Chief: Paul Rice
Request to the Council of Chiefs to approve the increased budget allowance for Kihew Consulting and Research Inc. by $25,000. Approved by consensus
Mohawk Council Executive Directive: Amendment to the agreement on the funding of policing services in the community of Kahnawà:ke
Presence of Lloyd Phillips (Commissioner of Public Safety) and Dwayne Zacharie (Chief, Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Peacekeepers) Portfolio Chief: Ryan Montour
Governments of Canada and Quebec are providing a funding increase in the amount of $12,810,263 to the existing funding agreement with the Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Peacekeepers for costs associated with the stabilization of police services provided in the community of Kahnawà:ke. Request to the Council of Chiefs approve the entering into the funding agreement amendment and to appoint Ryan Montour to sign the agreement. Approved by consensus
Approval of Letters
Presence of Francis Walsh (MCK Legal Counsel), Iris Montour (OCC Project Leader), Dennis Diabo (OCC Project Leader), and Brandon McComber (OCC Project Technician)
Request to the Council of Chiefs to review and approve various correspondence.
Special Item: Human Resource Matter
Presence of Marylee Armstrong (Director of Legal Services) and Suzanne Jackson (MCK Legal Counsel)
This item is client-attorney privileged
Special Item: Human Resource Matters
This item is confidential
Ratitsénhaienhs Updates
Jeremiah Johnson updated on the Harvesting file
Ryan Montour updated on the Housing file
Paul Rice updated on Gaming, the Kahnawà:ke Sovereign Wealth Fund, and the Multi-Purpose Building Capital Campaign
Melanie Morrison updated on the Transport file
David Diabo updated on Lands, Iroquois Caucus Harvester’s Summit
Tonya Perron updated on Cannabis and Justice/Communal Arbitration
Arnold Boyer updated on the Transport & Infrastructure file and the KQR Transport table
Cody Diabo updated on External Government Relations
Closing by Cody Diabo. Meeting ended at 4:18pm