Story Tellers Vault new episode this Thursday
The Kahnawà:ke Organizations Communications Network invites you to tune into a brand new episode of the Story Tellers Vault, this Thursday on Kaná:takon TV, channels 300 and 399 on local cable.
This episode of The Vault features local producer Bear Lazare pitching his idea for a new Kahnawà:ke TV show to a panel of local judges who will decide whether or not to fund his pilot project.

The show airs Thursday through Sunday and again on Tuesday, rotating with regularly scheduled programming. Another new episode begins next Thursday.
View the previous episode of the Tellers Vault, featuring ‘Medicine Walk’ by Jeremiah Johnson now on YouTube at .
The Story Teller’s Vault is made possible by financial support through the Caisse Populaire Kahnawake Community Development Fund. Free airtime for each pilot show is courtesy of the Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Cultural Center, who operate Kaná:takon TV.