CCTV Drainage Inspection along OCR, Kirby and Mohawk Beach Roads

The Capital Unit of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) would like to inform all Kahnawa’kehró:non that consulting firm Essa-Tech will conduct a CCTV Inspection of the drainage network along Old Chateauguay Road (OCR), Kirby, and Mohawk Beach Roads from Monday, December 16 to Friday, December 20, 2024, weather permitting.

This work is part of the preparatory efforts to rehabilitate OCR and Kirby Road. MCK staff will be present on-site throughout the process to oversee the operations.

During the CCTV inspection, Essa-Tech may need to reduce the lane width in one direction. If this occurs, flagmen will be present to direct traffic. Drivers are asked to use caution while the work is being carried out.

Shown below is a map of the general area that will be inspected.

If the inspection cannot be completed within these dates, it will be rescheduled for the week of January 6, 2025.

Your patience throughout this project is greatly appreciated. Please contact the Technical Services Office at 450-635-1016 if further information is required.

The MCK reminds the public that these works are subject to change due to weather conditions, operational constraints, or work progression.
