Client Based Services
Our goal is to support Kahnawa’kehró:non in achieving and sustaining a high quality of life by providing services, programs, and resources that align with the community’s cultural values and aspirations. We aim to meet all basic human needs of our current and future generations to ensure a prosperous future.
About Us
Client Based Services (CBS) comprises of three departments
and various program areas that aim to help the community acquire and maintain a
better quality of life through a range of programs and services.
Most Popular Services

Kahnawà:ke Social Assistance Program
Provides financial assistance to individuals and families to preserve their security and dignity.

Office of the Kahnawà:ke Kanien’kehá:ka Registry
Administers recognition, permissions, and authorization in accordance with the Kanien’kehá:ka of Kahnawà:ke Law

Tsi Niionkwarihò:ten Tsitewaháhara'n Language and Culture Program
Committed to reviving and perpetuating the Kanien'kéha language within the community.