Information Kiosk on Draft Regulations for Judges of the Court of Kahnawà:ke

Public Service Announcement

The Justice Services Division of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke invites Kahnawa’kehró:non to an Information Kiosk on the draft Regulation Respecting Eligibility Criteria for Appointment of Judges to the Court of Kahnawà:ke, and the draft Regulation Respecting the Selection and Appointment of Judges of the Court of Kahnawà:ke.

The kiosk will take place on Wednesday, December 4th, from 9am to 4pm, at Tota Ma’s Café.

The draft regulations are currently in a mandatory thirty (30) day feedback period, which will conclude on Wednesday, December 18, 2024.

Community members are encouraged to visit the kiosk to learn more, ask questions, and provide feedback in an informal, respectful, one-on-one setting.
