Kahnawake Labor Office to Host Information Kiosks

Public Service Announcement

The Kahnawake Labor Office (KLO) invites community members to attend two upcoming Information Kiosks aimed at facilitating important discussions on topics related to labor programs, activities, policies, and health and safety in the workplace.

  • Kiosk #1: Thursday, October 3rd, from 10am to 1pm at the Services Complex Lobby
  • Kiosk #2: Tuesday, October 8th, from 8am to 11am at Tota Ma’s Café

KLO staff will be on hand to engage with the community and answer questions. The Kiosks will also serve as an outlet to voice opinions on labor issues in Kahnawà:ke. Community members who participate in the Kiosks can enter to win a $50 Shop Kahnawà:ke Gift Certificate.

Community members can obtain more information by contacting Tara McComber at 450-632-9595 or email [email protected].
