Legal Services Unit
The Legal Services Unit is responsible for safeguarding the legal interests of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK). The unit develops and oversees internal activities, policies, and procedures to provide legal support and protection for the organization and community’s rights and interests in specific areas.
About Us
Legal Services was established in 1994 to provide the MCK with a team of lawyers and support staff working exclusively for the MCK. The team aims to provide better, faster, and more economical legal services. The team regularly provides advice and opinions to the Grand Chief and Council and to a variety of MCK Units and Committees.
Recent News
Legal Services has the authority to take legal action on behalf of the MCK and the Mohawks of Kahnawà:ke to protect their rights. Their primary responsibility is to defend the MCK and the Mohawks of Kahnawà:ke against any legal actions brought against them.
Political Advisory Services
Includes support to the Office of the Council of Chiefs.
Involves a wide range of services related to business transactions, structures, project financing, and business initiatives.
Operational Advisory Services
Advising and assisting internal organizational units with a wide range of services is a key aspect of our role.