The following Kahnawa’kehró:non have made an application for a Tioweró:ton Cabin Site. The Public Notice will be publicly posted for thirty (30) days.

Kieran Thomas Roniakaion BrownSingleChristopher BrownCarrie-Ann Osennenhauri Phillips
Taiosheratie Diabo

Michael Raymond Kaienta:a Cross
Common-LawKyle Ron Tahohtarote Diabo

Perry Thomas Aroniaronkwas Cross
Kaiatanoron Christine Natalie Mayo

Marlene Rosalma Tekakwitha Phillips
Dean Gary Onakarakete Horne

Vicky Charlotte Kasinniosta Diabo
MarriedRandy Joseph Horne

Michael Ricky Diabo
Stephany Elizabeth Karakwenhawe Horne

Ina Mary Takonwahawi McGregor
Kwahará:ni Kieran JacobsSingleClinton Paul Aientonni JacobsLayne Myiow
James Calvin Sheldon Tawenrate MarquisDivorcedFrank MarquisJean Marquis
Aliyah Jade Kaniehtara:raks
SingleJesse GenoisCarla Deer

Objections to any of the applicants, based upon the Tioweró:ton Development and Cabin Ownership Procedure, can be forwarded in written format to the attention of:

Tioweró:ton Manager
Lands Unit, Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke
P.O. Box 720
Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory

For more information, contact Tracey Snow at the Lands Unit 450-638-8244.
