The following Kahnawa’kehró:non have made an application for a Tioweró:ton Cabin Site. The Public Notice will be publicly posted for thirty (30) days.
Kieran Thomas Roniakaion Brown | Single | Christopher Brown | Carrie-Ann Osennenhauri Phillips |
Taiosheratie Diabo Michael Raymond Kaienta:a Cross | Common-Law | Kyle Ron Tahohtarote Diabo Perry Thomas Aroniaronkwas Cross | Kaiatanoron Christine Natalie Mayo Marlene Rosalma Tekakwitha Phillips |
Dean Gary Onakarakete Horne Vicky Charlotte Kasinniosta Diabo | Married | Randy Joseph Horne Michael Ricky Diabo | Stephany Elizabeth Karakwenhawe Horne Ina Mary Takonwahawi McGregor |
Kwahará:ni Kieran Jacobs | Single | Clinton Paul Aientonni Jacobs | Layne Myiow |
James Calvin Sheldon Tawenrate Marquis | Divorced | Frank Marquis | Jean Marquis |
Aliyah Jade Kaniehtara:raks Deer-Genois | Single | Jesse Genois | Carla Deer |
Objections to any of the applicants, based upon the Tioweró:ton Development and Cabin Ownership Procedure, can be forwarded in written format to the attention of:
Tioweró:ton Manager
Lands Unit, Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke
P.O. Box 720
Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory
For more information, contact Tracey Snow at the Lands Unit 450-638-8244.