Lands Unit

The Lands Unit has the authority and duty to govern strategy, scope, and standards for developing the Kahnawà:ke Land Regime, with a comprehensive vision to meet the needs of Kahnawa’kehró:non.

About Us

The Lands Unit works to maintain a balance between development and preservation for the community and future generations.



Land Management

Responsible for developing and overseeing territorial land use planning and implementation, including the use of common lands in Kahnawà:ke.



Activities include Land Use Planning, Cabin Site Allotments, Cabin Site Sales and Transfers, Territorial Maintenance, common land use and campground requests, and Surveillance of Boundaries.

Authorized Permits

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawá:ke issues permits within the community for Landfill, Filming, Hawkers & Peddlers, Alcohol and Beverages, and other non-categorized requests. Individuals, establishments or organizations must possess an authorized permit to conduct any regulated activities within the Territory of Kahnawà:ke.

External Government Relations

Participates in and contributes to Intergovernmental Relations groups, funding proposals, and negotiations.

Regulatory Compliance

Carry out inspections, develop orders, and support action in the event of non-compliance to existing community laws, regulations, and policies related to this mandate.


Land Allotments

Kahnawakehró:non who do not own land for a home can apply for a land allotment through the Lands Unit. Community members wishing to find out ownership of land or what is around their land, or members wishing to apply for an allotment can contact the Lands Unit for more information.

Communal Land Allotment Requests

The following Kahnawakehronon have applied for a common land allotment and will be making their communal requests at a Community Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 18, Seskehkó:wa/September 2024, at the Golden Age Club.

Objections to any of these applicants based on the Land Allotment Policy of Kahnawà:ke can be forwarded in written format to:

MCK Lands Unit
Land Management Department
Land Allotment Administrator
P.O. Box 720
Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory
J0L 1B0

For more information, please contact Cole McComber at the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke Lands Unit by calling 450-638-8244.

Communal Land Allotment Requests

The following Kahnawa’kehró:non have applied for a common land allotment and made their communal requests at a duly convened Community Meeting held on Wednesday, 26, Enníska/February, 2025, at the Golden Age Club.

Leora Tsohentiio’a CharlesSingleDavid Wesley Wayne Anataras CharlesValerie Tiorakose Delaronde
Britlee Caitlin Karonhiakwas Diabo   Shawn Kenneth Tokwiro PhillipsCommon-LawRon Kyle Tahohtarotie Diabo     Alexander PhillipsFrancine Mary Jeannine Katsiroroks Morris     Carol Ann Janet Cross
Ava Julia Rose Karahkwenha:wi StandupSingleLanny Owen Mathias Kaiaktatie StandupTina Therese Skawennati Rice

Objections to any of these applicants based on the Land Allotment Policy of Kahnawà:ke can be forwarded in written format to:

MCK Lands Unit
Land Management Department
Land Allotment Administrator
P.O. Box 720
Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory
J0L 1B0

Objections received after Friday, 28, Enniskó:wa/March, 2025, will be considered invalid and will not be accepted. For more information, please contact Cole McComber at the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke Lands Unit by calling 450-638-8244.


  • When requesting the usage of common land, for the day such as a greenspace or park (2 to 4 weeks)
  • When alterations are being made to the common land, regardless if it is designated or not, which includes structures change in the type of usage
  • When continued usage of a Land Use Agreement is nearing its end
  • When requesting the use of additional land
  • When requesting Land Designations

The Lands Unit must do its due diligence when submitting a package to the Land Management Committee for endorsement or approval. This is important to ensure that all aspects are taken into consideration and that consultations with all stakeholders have taken place. Stakeholders may include the Kahnawà:ke Environment Protection Office, Public Works, Capital Construction, Public Safety, and the Community.

Tioweró:ton Territory Management

Activities include Land Use Planning, Cabin Site Allotments, Cabin Site Sales and Transfers, Territorial Maintenance, common land use and campground requests, and Surveillance of Boundaries. Also monitors cabin construction; hunting, fishing and harvesting;

road and bridge maintenance; Territory development and protection; waste management; and assets management. Responsible for maintaining a relationship with Kanehsatà:ke Council Chief representative.

  • Caretakers act as First Responders in emergency situations (health and safety, fire, domestic, accidents, search and rescue)