The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke is the current governing body for the Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory.* The Council of Chiefs consists of twelve (12) representatives elected from and by the people. Elections were held bi-annually for many years; however, in 2006 terms were increased to three years.
The Office of the Council of Chiefs (OCC) provides support and advisory services for the Chiefs. The OCC includes technicians, negotiators, communications officers, elder/ advisors and administrative support.
2024-2027 Ratitsénhaienhs

Cody Diabo
- External Governmental Relations
- Health
- Indigenous Rights & Research
- Sustainable Development

Arnold Boyer
- Health
- Infrastructure, Transport & Operations
- Social Supports & Development

Iohahi:io Delisle
- Regulatory Boards/Commissions & Labor
- Social Supports & Development
- External Government Relations
- Economic Development
- Lands & Territories

David A. Diabo
- Lands & Territories
- Community Safety
- Heritage
- Indigenous Rights & Research
- Regulatory Boards/Commissions & Labor
- Sustainable Development

Jeffrey Diabo
- Education
- Economic Development
- External Government Relations
- Indigenous Rights & Research
- MCK Governance
- Regulatory Boards/Commissions & Labor

Jeremiah Johnson
- Legislation
- Community Safety
- Environment
- Regulatory Boards/Commissions & Labor
- Social Supports & Development

Stephen Angus McComber
- Sustainable Development
- Environment
- Indigenous Rights & Research
- Heritage
- Health
- Social Supports & Development

Ross Montour
- Environment
- Indigenous Rights & Research
- Education

Ryan Montour
- Community Safety
- Economic Development
- External Government Relations
- Justice
- Social Supports & Development
- Sustainable Development

Melanie Morrison
- Heritage
- Administrative Affairs
- Infrastructure, Transport & Operations
- Community Safety

Tonya Perron
- Justice
- MCK Governance
- Administrative Affairs
- Legislation
- Regulatory Boards/Commissions & Labor

Paul Rice
- Administrative Affairs
- Economic Development
- Heritage
- Infrastructure, Transport & Operations
- Lands & Territories
- Regulatory Boards/Commissions & Labor
Council Meeting Agenda
2024-2027 Ratitsénhaienhs Monthly Report
* There is a significant number of Kahnawa’kehró:non who do not consider the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke to be their governing body. Chief & Council acknowledges this and continues to work towards the creation of a Traditional Government that would represent all Kahnawa’kehró:non. This desire was reaffirmed in 1999 with the MCK’s Declaration to Return to Traditional Government.
Please note that Chief & Council, as a rule, continue to operate on the concept that their decisions must respect the will of the community in general, not just those who are considered “the voting public.”